Post by CLM in NDPost by Mr. VAnyone know where I can cop some "medical" marijuana in Las Vegas?
My joints are aching.
With everything there is to do in Las Vegas, do you really need pot,
Or alcohol? With all there is to do in Vegas, why on earth would anyone
want to alter their consciousness with a drug??? But a lot of people must
want to, what with all those bars everywhere.
Post by CLM in NDand is it worth the risk of getting picked up by Metro on a drug
charge? It seems to me that would put a damper on the trip, not to
mention the expense of bail, fines, etc... It doesn't seem worth it,
All you need is a note from your doctor. Medical marijuana is legal in
Nevada, and the state issues cards. I doubt many tourists without a NV
would be hassled if they had a note or a card issued by another state.
if you don't have a note from your doctor and have less than an ounce all
they can do is fine you a few hundred dollars. Its just as dangerous and
potentially disruptive to a trip (probably moreso) to get busted for drunk
in public.
My point was the illegality of it for those that don't go the whole
"medical marajuana" route. Out-of-towners get busted everyday for
trying to score some drugs & I don't think the hassle of getting
arrested, booked, posting bail, & being fined, even if it is "only" a
few hundred dollars, is worth it. It's not how I'd want to spend part
of my Las Vegas vacation.
Oh, but I'm sure everyone who gets a note from their doctor has a
legitimate medical condition that requires marajuana. That's as
crooked as the hind leg of a dog.
You sound upset about it. Its legal in Nevada and many other states. In
California there are billboards all over the place advertising veteran and
senior discounts for the evaluation, for goodness sake. There are stores in
every town of any size in which you just walk in and buy it like a dozen
eggs. My little town of 160,000 has four stores. Its the second biggest
crop after wine grapes in my county, and most of the farms and growhouses
are legal. Hell, there's one about 60 miles north of here thats right on
the side of the road; if you wanted you could reach out of your car window
and grab a bud.
Personally, I'm glad its legal and is becoming even more legal. Its just a
matter of time before Caliufornia legalizes it for everyone. No reason the
government should limit my legal drug choices to alcohol.
And it sounds like its been a while since you bought pot. The not very
serious question that was asked originally referred to medical marijuana,
which in Nevada can be legally grown in your own home. If the OP was
serious (doubtful) some local could have said hey dude, I got 6 plants in my
garage and would be happy to share. Pot people are often like that.
Its so ubiquitous, so commonplace, so not a big deal these days, that its
surprises me that anyone might try to buy weed by slowly driving thru the
ghetto or barrio in the middle of the night.
And I dont know about the current situation, but when I lived in Vegas,
Metro had far more important things to do than bust non-card holders for
pot. Mostly they would just ignore it, or if they did stop anyone, they'd
let them go.
If you're a moronic boob who can't be discreet then you'd probably get
popped just as if you were a moronic drunken boob making a scene in public.
Except for the fact that people who are stoned generally don't draw
attention to themselves in public, unlike drunks.