Post by d***@my-deja.comNever give free buffets to retards. Yup, some peopole should not reproduce. Some of them are so stupid that they have overcome the genetics pre-programmed into all of us and cannot figure out HOW to reproduce.
I will go over there and try their buffet and see if it worth whacking yourself over. I mean, holy cow, how good is the pasta salad or the desert bar, or maybe...and we will stretch it here... the vegetables that someone has to kill himself over loosing it. IMHO, the dickless wonder had problems anyhow. They give you a "lifetime free buffet" because you are a psychotic gambler, probably fat as the side of a barn, and need a crane and dump truck to get out of bed. What a stupid act...whack yourself over food. That act is symbolic of a greater unfulfilled need.
Oh, my three minute egg has the smaller part towards the top and I like the larger part towards the top. (cry, sniffle, whimper, pound the table and ask for the manager) I think I'll just go tie myself up and do strange things with my body parts, then,... well, maybe I'll just I'll shoot myself.
Stupid. Some people should not reproduce... plain and clear. We have enough dumbass people on the planet, please do not introduce more into the gene pool.
I love KFC. ...damned if I'd run their plastic knife over my throat because they gave me a "wing" and I asked for a "leg".
Damned, I mean Don. :)