2013-06-08 02:54:06 UTC
The first thing you need to know about making Ricin is that it is very deadly. Place 2 oz of hot water in a glass jar and add one teaspoon of lye, mix thoroughly. Wait for the lye mixture to cool. Place 2 oz of castor beans into the liquid and let them soak for an hour. Pour the liquid out taking care not to get any on your skin. Rinse the beans off with cool water and remove outside layer of bean with tweezers. Place the bean in a blender with 4 oz of acetone for every 1 oz of beans. Blend until completely mixed or a milky substance. Place in air tight jar for approximately 3 days. After three days shake jar to mix thoroughly and drain through a coffee filter. Throw away the liquid portion. Make sure to squeeze the bean portion so that all the acetone is out of the mixture. Spread on pan covered with newspaper and let it dry. The final Ricin should be free of acetone and contaminants. The product should look like a powder when complete. Very dangerous substance. Caution should be taken.